Peering connects

Internet is not an end in itself, but it connects people through technology. BCIX is the leading Internet Exchange in the Berlin/Brandenburg region. Since 2002, we have been actively promoting the use of the Internet through our peering platform.


In addition to the technical platform, BCIX especially promotes personal, open and constructive exchange between people.

We connect people and technology.


Our members actively support the regional promotion of the Internet in the Berlin/Brandenburg region.


Our peers have one thing in common: the need to bring services in the Berlin/Brandenburg region safely and efficiently to the target groups and users. Regional peering improves user experience and supports the sustainability of data exchange.

    Members forum

    Our members can discuss in our member forum.

    Our History

    In the beginning, it was just an idea: How can we improve Internet use and the Internet experience for everyone on a regional level - in Berlin/Brandenburg?

    This was the result of the collaboration of eight company representatives in 2002, who had one thing in mind when answering the question: Encouraging exchange, using the latest technologies, remaining neutral and keeping people in mind - and bringing together what belongs together.

    Early on, BCIX achieved its goals through the commitment of its members with the regional exchange point - but as always: good things want and need to grow, especially as new players are constantly entering the market, new technologies are making their way in, and even the public sector no longer wants to avoid digitalization.

    Today, state-of-the-art technology ensures that BCIX offers regionally latency-free and efficient Internet peering that sustainably improves Internet use and gives users such a good experience that they take the technology behind it for granted.

    Join the association or connect as a peer.

    Join us
    • Port Upgrade: EXARING AG (AS51324)
    • New BCIX-SubPeer: Axera S.p.A. (AS34758)
    • New BCIX-SubPeer: Wichmann Internet Services (AS33940)
    • Port Upgrade: (AS917)