edge-a36-21 <> edge-a36-31 (Bits)
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 16.477 Gbits | 6.478 Gbits | 8.255 Gbits | ||||
Out | 4.964 Gbits | 2.828 Gbits | 4.454 Gbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 18.396 Gbits | 6.074 Gbits | 8.255 Gbits | ||||
Out | 5.534 Gbits | 2.749 Gbits | 4.454 Gbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 18.396 Gbits | 6.344 Gbits | 8.255 Gbits | ||||
Out | 6.922 Gbits | 2.977 Gbits | 4.454 Gbits |
Max | Average | Current | |||||
In | 23.253 Gbits | 7.589 Gbits | 8.255 Gbits | ||||
Out | 9.234 Gbits | 3.166 Gbits | 4.454 Gbits |
Core bundle graphs shows traffic between our switches - this can between inter-switch links
between switches within the same facility or between switches connecting facilities together.
More details in the documentation.